Unconventional motherhood.

Ok, so to make a very long story short…I became a mother in an unconventional way. I am the legal guardian of a family member’s child. He is 3 years old and I have had him in my care since he was 9 months old.

To put it lightly, this parenting (especially SINGLE parenting) thing is not as easy as I thought it would be.

I never planned on being a single mother and it definitely has it’s advantages and disadvantages. For instance:

Advantage: I can raise him how I please without anyone else’s input.

Disadvantage: I’m doing it on one income.

I love this boy as if he came from my body. With that said…He…IS…A HANDFUL!

I am constantly seeking advice from the seasoned parent. Or maybe just an ear to listen to my bizzarely fantabulous day with my little one.

First off, his doctor and I are convinced he has some type of hyperactivity disorder. The boy literally jumps out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world! He is super active from that moment until the moment he goes to bed. This kid does not rest. His doctor says he will not be able to confirm a diagnosis until he is school aged. Oy!

Secondly, ours is a truly unique situation and I find myself stumbling on my words when he asks me if he came from my belly like his cousin came from his Aunt’s belly. I mean, what do you say to that? The truth…but it’s also important that it’s a truth appropriate for a 3 year old. It’s challenging.

However, it has it’s wonderful days as well. Days like today when he begged me to get in bed with him and read him a story. He then took a turn and told me a wonderful story about all the animals going ni-night. He fulfills me in a way I didn’t even know was possible.

To close this post I would like to share that this blog is for me to pose questions, document my day, share my thoughts and/or seek advice. Seek out someone, ANYONE, who doesn’t think I’m just flat out going nuts. lol. Some days I feel like I am. He definitely gives me a run for my money, but I wouldn’t trade him for the world.